Attention!!! Our annual meeting is officially live on the Chamber calendar, and registration is open for February 4th! The event will begin with Mayor Guyleen Castriotta’s State of the City address, reflecting on 2024's achievements and her vision for Broomfield’s future. Following her remarks, **Richard L. Wobbekind**, Associate Dean for Business & Government Relations, Senior Economist, and Faculty Director of the Business Research Division at the University of Colorado Boulder, will present an inspiring keynote on *Economic Development in Broomfield and the Front Range*. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to gain valuable insights into the region’s economic landscape and its future growth. Register now with this link: #annualmeetings #annualmeeting #mayor #AnnualMeeting2024 #2025Ready #2025goals #2025Vision #2025 #broomfieldchamberofcommerce #broomfieldchambermembers #broomfieldchamber