I have a business mentor who says that ADHD is their superpower, as an Entrepreneur. The more I think about, it makes a LOT of sense. I have never been diagnosed (and maybe it's not even real?) but I know myself well, have identified what works for me, what doesn't, and have created systems that support my success over the years. systems of organization processes to sort out my thoughts I love the feeling of accomplishment (who doesn't?) and organization helps me feel that way Closets and Kitchens Resumes and Coverletters How-to-Guides // Bids & Proposals Chaos to Calm How can I help? #forever_you #selfawareness #selflove #systems #processes #adhd #mentalhealth #adhdprobably #organization #resume #technicaldocuments #careersuccess #storytelling #communication #forever_brett #forever_professional #brettlylecoaching #entrepreneur #careercoach #resumewriting ______________________ https://lnkd.in/gySMvrjX ______________________
What do Marie Kondo and Resume-writing have in common? I had an ah-ha moment, yesterday, and I have to share it with you! ... the world makes sense, again! Have you ever thought about it this way? #organization #resume #technicalwriting #coverletter #brand #alignment #mariekondomethod #organize #forver_professional #forever_you #chaos #organizedchaos #forever_brett #houseahome #careersuccess #loveyourlife #brettlylecoaching