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Today, we wrapped up the 14th Annual Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Forum NYS MWBE, at Albany Capital Center, an inspiring event celebrating the 36th anniversary of the NYS MWBE Program. This year’s theme, Solidifying Our Future: A Commitment to Expanding Opportunities for MWBEs, underscored New York State’s steadfast commitment to empowering minority- and women-owned businesses by expanding access to essential opportunities. Governor Kathy Hochul unveiled the new NYS MWBE logo, a powerful symbol of a renewed vision for progress and inclusion. Hochul praised the MWBE program as a “beacon of opportunity,” providing crucial resources and access to state contracts that allow diverse businesses to thrive and contribute to New York’s economy. The event also featured panel discussions on key opportunities for MWBEs, such as involvement in mega projects and gaining access to capital, alongside practical workshops focused on certification, proposal crafting, and networking with agencies and contractors. Governor Hochul’s speech and the forum underscored the goal of empowering diverse businesses as central to New York’s future economic. Jason M. Clark, Esq. That’s one for the books! ✊ BOC Capital Corp. Earl Thomason Jr. William Whitley Urban League of Rochester SUNY Cobleskill Hope Knight Metropolitan Transportation Authority Jeanette Moy Luan Ximines, MBA Jenny Low Amanda Brennan Dalsie Andrade Dawn Sanders Doningnon Soro, PMP Jose A. Gerardo Rodriguez #mwbe #business #esd #governorkathyhochul #nys #smallbusiness
Thanks for sharing 😊
It is so inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Heartiest Congratulations and Happy Innovating! Innomantra
Great event
Supplier Diversity
1moAwesome event. Looking forward to connecting with you soon.