Today, Toronto celebrates its 190th Birthday! At the same time, the city is removing old symbols of Toronto. The simple fact is you can not erase or cancel history. You can only choose to strive to understand it, see it in its true context and learn from it. Yes, a lot of history is painful. But that in and of itself is the point. We learn from that pain to redefine who we as a society want to be moving forward. If we’re suddenly going to go back through history and start removing things that we feel are inappropriate by modern standards, then where do we stop or draw the line? Keep history, add to it, learn from it, and don't cancel it! #toronto #history #historicalfigures #historicalpreservation #culturematters #proud #historichomes #historicbuildings #futuregenerations #histroricsymbols #governmentinitiatives
I totally agree, Bill.
Well said, Bill.
Owner, Petrus Commercial Realty Corp.
10moWokism is misguided and weak people fall to its pressure.