Team big fish® are cycling from London to Brighton in June next year to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. So, calling all wealthy, kind and generous people! We need your lovely wonga please!! ❤️ x
Chief Stoker at big fish® I help brave brand owners start, transform, grow, and exit their businesses and occasionally share risk with them
As my lovely father used to say "if you don't ask you don't get". Sadly he's no longer with us so can't sponsor me and my big fish® cycling team for the 2025 London to Brighton Cycle Ride. However you lovely people can! So, if you feel like supporting the amazing work of the British Heart Foundation who help people get well, stay well and enjoy life in the healthy lane, then we'd be immensely grateful. My business partner had a heart attack. Thankfully he survived and is now well and enjoying retirement! I've lost friends and family to heart attacks, and many others I know have been deeply affected by "matters of the heart". So, I'm not sorry to ask, because it's actually a bloody great cause and deserves every help it can get. So, if you did feel like sponsoring us, even if it's just a small sum, please click the link as it would be most gratefully received by team big fish® and all those people whose lives will be saved. Thank you. You're amazing! Now go click!! ❤️ x