Beer is the world’s most consumed drink,
after water and tea, on our 3rd rock from the sun.
The Beerconomist is beer’s news network
keenly focused on the stirring impact
of the worldwide international beer market
— with emphasis on American craft beer —
that stays focused on the world’s best beers,
sharing of beer’s news, stories, it’s present,
it’s future, and it’s history.
We report on brewers and breweries,
taprooms, brewpubs, taverns and pubs,
along with festivals, trade shows, conferences,
and other important events and gatherings,
highlighting the agriculture, production, packaging,
marketing and sales, distribution,
wholesaling and retailing, culture, sustainability,
and of course — economics and finance
for owners, investors and stake owners
— and importantly: employees, staff and suppliers.
We strive to keep you up-to-date
with the latest news, data, trends,
and compelling stories from the beer trade,
along with those who build, drive and support
— as it’s a truly unique, exciting and valuable
worldwide business industry sector!
Currently, we’re published in thrice-weekly
proprietary newsletter to our clients
—by this fall, we’ll be on the web for all.
We sincerely hope you’ll join us!
Our mission …
“To inform all in the beer trade
making decisions to bolster their business
and to help them make relevant, sound,
aggressive yet practical growth decisions
about their business and their future.”
Because …
“Beer, it’s the best damn drink in the world.”
— Jack Nicholson
Source: The Beerconomist
#Beer #CraftBeer #NonAlcoholicBeer #Cider
#Microbreweries #Taprooms #Brewpubs #Taverns
#ConsumerBehavior #BrandAwareness
#EmergingTrends #BusinessIntelligence
Stephen Carter King
Chief of Growth and Marketing and Strategy
+ CEO of Beerconomy 🍻 Beer Market Analyst
with beer market trends, insights, data and forecasts
• Advisor • Sherpa • Thought Catalyst • Speaker •
Publisher of The Beerconomist ☘️
Great read, and cheers to continuing the conversation!