Did you know policies focused on early detection, timely diagnosis and access to treatment has the potential to transform CKD care? Discover how in this POLITICO article: https://learn.az/6042QiYxq #ForKidneyHealth
Kudos to AstraZeneca for shedding light on this critical issue.
Team work and indivuals… lots of parts and wholes of better.
#ValueOfDiagnostics Carsten D.
Sales and business development with an emphasis on healthcare
3dAZ is a UK based firm which is incorporated in Wilmington, Delaware… I know because I did my corporate training in that city. When I got laid off, I had a few of my documents and slide decks of my work I did. Later in life, when I went to work for another company in the Florida pan handle… I worked on a lot of the same issues and concepts which I had begun working through when I was an undergrad. The reality of the work and in alignment with larger and very real business needs… it’s not a “capture” situation. It’s also true, as I was working on things like low income subsidy… I was working with a variety of organizations… of course… And, the actins and reactions of various organizational growth and my adotion spectrum of growth and leadership… it can be a lot. I sent those documents back to Astra Zeneca HR… a few years back… it’s interesting… concepts of ownership and stewardship… corporate growth and silo easing and on and on… goodness. The reality of families and people working and communties…the judgements or various minimizing behaviors. It gets challenging. But, ever hopeful. Everyone I’ve worked with…I enjoyed and learned in one way or another… I have had the privilege of working with many good folk so far