ATX Mission Reflection #4 - Colin S.
"Personally, my mission in life is to serve others. The reason that this matters to me is because I find happiness when the success of work that I’ve put in lifts up, empowers, or improves the life of someone else. I don’t think any amount of success or wealth or influence or power can be very meaningful or fulfilling if its fruits aren’t shared with another person or community.
I’m motivated by our team’s mission first because it’s in direct alignment with my own mission, and second because we have a unique opportunity as a team to be the best in the world at serving investors
To expand on that first point, our mission serves a wide variety of investors, many of whom are making their own hugely positive impact on humankind. For example, we have an investor who is a father of 16 kids - many of them adopted - and in his professional career is devoted to improving the lives of children through pediatric dentistry. Stewarding his capital and helping him build wealth allows him not only to focus on and fulfill the duties of fatherhood and his dental practice, but also to multiply his impact as his returns compound.
Second, we have a team with unique and broad talents, and when we take stewardship of an investor's capital we believe deep in our hearts that there is no better place for their capital than our investment opportunities. In other words, we have a huge competitive advantage and we are providing high quality investment products in a world where many are turning to poor products with absurd fees and lackluster returns.
Given the opportunity cost of taking on a challenge, I think that it’s important to take on a challenge where I see a serious advantage and a path to being world class, and I know that ATX can and will be the best at what we do."
#mission #team #service