AMK is a registered state political party from Tamil Nadu that focuses on the welfare of all communities, prioritizing the welfare of the Brahmin community, FC community, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) community, middle-class community, and tax-paying community. We need to expand as a national party. For that, we are seeking support from influential persons in all states to register AMK as a state party in other states as well. To register AMK in other states, we need the following support: 1. Organize at least 100 people who can be part of the core committee and provide affidavits for party registration. 2. Four reliable persons to act as office bearers. 3. Small contributions by all these 100 members to cover the registration expenses as a state party. 4. A small office setup whose address will be registered as the office address for the party in that state. AMK contested in five constituencies in Tamil Nadu in 2024 MP elections and garnered 8,500 votes. This is a sizeable and encouraging start for a new party. We achieved this without any backing, media support, vote-buying, or the support of celebrities or influential people. By some estimates, the confirmed brand value of AMK as of July 2024 is around ₹10 crores, and the unconfirmed value is over ₹100 crores. Our value continues to grow day by day as more people join us and strengthen our initiatives. We are expecting more support from every corner to prove ourselves in the upcoming 2026 state elections in Tamil Nadu and the 2029 MP elections. Any individual who can spend a minimum of ₹1 lakh to ₹5 lakhs as election expenses can reach out to us. We will provide all necessary support for them to contest on an AMK ticket. Anyone who can support the above initiatives & who wants to donate can contact Devarajan N.R (NRD) via WhatsApp / Gpay at 9362439124 Jai AMK. Jai Hind.
Hello my Brahmin brother next election is coming Gujarat any update sending jai Pharshuram jai Mahadev
Please enroll join me Satpal Sharma Kaushal Brahmin Pandit 7652935665,97984 29241 contact number email 64 years age struggling Thanks
Do you have presence in Delhi , North India?
Happy to understand that AMK is committed to Save, Preserve and Promote Sanatan Globally 🚩🙏💐
Hopefully hope that Brahmin Political Party brings Peace and Harmony to the Brahmins around the world and set a precedence in Bharat 🙏🇮🇳🚩💐
I am from Pune and currently in Ranchi since 8 years, I will definitely set up the party in both the states
Gujarat se Ajaykumar Sir I am a Brahmin Gujarat all cover in my grantee Har Har Mahadev
I am living in Uttar Pradesh, Delhi NCR area. Please share constitution of the party. Let me workout. There is a good potential here.
Thanks for sharing.
Professional management institute board member| Civil Engineering Degree
3moI would love to connect and show support from jammu, jai dada parshuram ji ki