🇺🇸 From June 9 to 11th, AMBPR , chosen throughout a peer-review process, was honored to take part in the 3rd Conference & Expo 2024 of AMPP: Association for Materials Protection and Performance, the largest community for corrosion and coatings expertise. Held in Genoa, Italy, the conference organized by AMPP Italy Chapter was a rich and exciting meeting among specialists in the corrosion area. During his talk, “Anticorrosion for ship maintenance enters a new era with the advent of automation”, our President Stéphane Renouard presented to the community the GreenDock Robot, the only autonomous solution for ship maintenance and coating application. He described how this unique robotic system undertakes completely autonomously the three steps in a ship’s maintenance. He explained how it tackles environmental goals and downstream recycling, by allowing containment at the source of waste products. He presented the laboratory-type experiment led to assess this environmental efficacy and its results, showing that only 0.33% of all the water used was released while washing with the GreeenDock Robot, a result close to the 0.32% water loss recorded during ultra-high-pressure blast cleaning. Together this allowed up to 90% of water recycling in a closed circuit and its re-injection into the process. The same experimental setting showed that less than 2% of the abrasive escaped containment during abrasive blast cleaning. To conclude Stephane Renouard emphasized how this series of tests paved the way for a more environmentally sustainable era in corrosion prevention. He also showed that these environmental advances were facilitating the return of floating maintenance, which presents multiple advantages for the maritime industry. If you are interested in our presentation, please contact Stephane Renouard or us by message. Dear AMPP Italy Chapter, thanks for your warm welcome and excellent organization. It was a pleasure to be part of this gathering. +++ 🇫🇷 À l’issue d’un processus peer-review, AMBPR a été sélectionnée pour présenter le GreenDock Robot pour la maintenance des navires lors de la Conférence & Expo 2024 d’AMPP, à Gènes en Italie. Notre président a introduit notre unique solution automatisée pour l’entretien des navires, le fonctionnement global du robot et ses hautes performances environnementales, évaluées dans un processus expérimental. Stéphane Renouard a présenté notamment ses très faibles pertes en eau – environ 0,3 % lors du lavage et du décapage UHP – permettant de recycler et de réutiliser l’eau et d’en économiser jusqu’à 90%. Sa présentation a abordé les perspectives qui s’ouvrent grâce aux capacités inédites de ce robot pour améliorer la qualité environnementale des chantiers navals, comme pour introduire, en tout conformité avec les impératifs pour l’environnement, des procédures plus efficientes, tel l’entretien à quai. #maritime #GreenDockRobot #maritimedecarbonisation #anticorrosion #watersustainability
Dear Christian Favennec NAVAL GROUP, Fabien Guillemot & Hubert Vincent Damen, Philippe Le Calvé ANTICORR CONSEIL, Ruggerio Mascolo Donelli - Corrosion protection applications since 1911, Jean-Marc Quenez SSF - Service de Soutien de la Flotte, Julien PIEDFORT AMBPR many thanks for your valuable contribution to this paper and presentation.
Dear AMPP Italy Chapter, thanks for sharing this post, and more generally for this excellent conference and opportunity to learn and bond.