I'm really Excited to announce my first machine learning project
Our Team's Semi Final project at Samsung Innovation Campus with Machinfy
"Flight Price Prediction"
our project mainly was talking about air transportation in India, we took the data set with consists of 12 features and 300k rows from website "EaseMyTrip" which help the passengers to book a hotels or tickets, to make domestic or international transportation for Indians easier.
our project went through a couple of stages:
1. Exploratory data analysis
this stage was about not only analysing the data set we have but also searching and understanding the business of the website more, we went from why is transportation in India important all the way to the prices and meaning behind the prices of transportation.
2. first Preprocessing
we at first applied a basic prepsossing on the data like dropping the column (unnamed: 0), encoding the categorical features and appling different scalers on the data set.
3. Base-Line model
after preprossing the data set we tried the resulted data set on a base-line model to see if that's enough on the Preprocessing, but we noticed that the data needed further Preprocessing.
4. Further Preprocessing
we then went back and preprossed the data set by adjusting the distribution of the price and applied RFE to choose the most important 8 features and chosen only one scaler as we noticed that the type of scaler doesn't really make a difference.
5. Final models
finally, we applied our final resulted data set on different models and gave us different accuracies, and we concluded that the decision tree is the best accuracy among all of them, and this is the model we used to make our deployment.
6. Deployment
we used different libraries and tools to make our deployment:
Our NoteBook:
lastly, I would like to thanks my incredible team Mohamed Amgad and Laila Ehab for their amazing work and for the great effort we applied to make that project, this project would have never reached that great level without your amazing work.
and I would like to thank our amazing facilitator Zead O. Yousef for his amazing instructions and tips, you helped us during the period we worked on the project so much, thank you very much
#Machine_learning #Ai #SIC #Samsung_Innovation_Campus #machinfy #SemiFinal_Project #EDA #Data_Preprocessing #Modeling #kaggle #Kaggle #KAGGLE
Junior Project Manager | Undergraduate at University of Westminster
4dCongratulations Ranuga!!