Protecting a surf break means safeguarding a renewable resource with social, environmental, and economic value. As long as a coastline remains intact and weather patterns stay consistent, a wave will continue to break. Surf breaks offer much more than just recreation—they can be a pathway to lifting communities out of poverty by fostering surf-related enterprises that provide sustainable livelihoods. Conserving some of the world’s most remote coral reef surf breaks, like the one pictured below, becomes even more impactful when local youth, such as Utus in the photo, are actively engaged through citizen science. By integrating ocean literacy, science programs, and the wisdom of indigenous knowledge, these young people become the future stewards of their surf breaks. They gain the tools to protect their local waves and play a crucial role in decision-making for the future. Moreover, they can contribute valuable data that helps improve our understanding of and management strategies for the oceans. Passionate about surfing and with the opportunity of a better future, engaging remote surfing communities in this way is a real chance to support primary stakeholders’ enthusiasm for the long term. 🌎 🤙 🌊 #surferscientists #surf #citizenscience #digitaltwins