From the course: ZBrush Sculpting Project: The Wintery Snowman
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Polypainting the scarf - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush Sculpting Project: The Wintery Snowman
Polypainting the scarf
- [Instructor] So as you can see, the snowman is really coming along. I went ahead and did some additional painting offline and I wanted to just basically show you a few of the parts that I did. Now, the technique I used to create these is nothing different than the technique I've already demonstrated. So I didn't want to get redundant and go over the same techniques. The wood was again, done very simply using the cavity mask painting like I've been doing throughout this entire project. I did go ahead and create the snow and because it was a bit more experimental, I wanted to just play with different approaches before I demonstrated it, which I will be doing now on the snowman. And then I also went ahead and created the straw and the broomstick as well as the additional glove. Okay, so in this lesson what I'm going to do is focus on the scarf. And I think what I'd like to do is not only create the additional colors in the scarf, in other words the red stripes, but also pull in just a…
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