From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Using the XTractor brushes

Using the XTractor brushes - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

Using the XTractor brushes

- [Instructor] If you've used Photoshop, you're probably familiar with the Clone Stamp tool. It allows you to paste detail from one part of an image onto another. Zbrush version 2020 now has something similar. Let's see how it works. Okay, so in our exercise file, we have this terrain, and it's on a flat surface. And let's say we want to get some of this same terrain detail onto a spherical shape. So, let's go ahead and add a new object to our scene. Let's click on a pen, and let's pick the sphere 3D. Now I'm going to hide this for right now, and I'm also going to hide this water plane, so now we see just the terrain. So for this we're going to use new brushes, called the Extractor brushes. So go ahead and hit B on your keyboard to bring up your brush menu, and let's come down here and find the Extractor brush. Now, by default this brush is not in the mode where it picks up detail. So, what we need to do is…
