From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Using the Standard Export option - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Using the Standard Export option
- Sometimes doing things the simplest way is the best, and that is often true in Zbrush. There are so many fancy ways to get files out to other programs that it can be easy to overlook the basics. But sometimes you just need to export without any special options. Or sometimes other softwares don't want to load files that were saved through specialized exporters. Whatever the reason, it's useful to look at the standard export option. Okay, so let's say we want to export this skull. The very simplest way to do that is to just click on export in the tool palette. In here you have the option to save as several different formats. Mia, fbx, obj, ply, stl, vrml. The big difference between this export button and all the other ways we've looked at is that exporting through this button only exports a single SubTool, whichever one you have active. So if you know you just need to export one SubTool, this is a very quick and easy…
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