From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Using the animal ZeeZoo library

Using the animal ZeeZoo library - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

Using the animal ZeeZoo library

- [Host] New to ZBrush 2020 is a collection of pre-made ZSphere models that you can use as starting points for all kinds of animals and creatures. Let's see what there is and how they can be modified to create new designs. So I've got a fresh restart of Zbrush here and I'm just going to make sure my light box is visible if it's not already and let's go ahead and find the ZeeZoo right here and just double click on that. So if you scroll through you can just see, there's a whole bunch of different animals that have been made by the team at Pixelogic. So almost any kind of creature that you want to start making you could start from one of these. So go ahead and click on one and open it up. Now when I double click on this, it's going to open a new project which means it gets rid of any other projects or models that you currently have. So make sure that they're saved if you want to keep them before opening a new ZProject. I…
