From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Using NoiseMaker - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Using NoiseMaker
- [Instructor] So far we've seen how to paint manually and how to project from photos. But there's also a way to generate textures from procedural patterns. NoiseMaker is an interesting and useful tool to do just that. So let's see how it works. Okay, so we've got our shark model here. And let's go to the surface sub-palette and turn on noise. So NoiseMaker brings up this separate window where the noise can be displayed temporarily while you're working on it. Let's take a look at the most important control, the noise scale. So right from the start you might not necessarily notice anything but that's because the noise is such a small scale that you might not notice it. So there's a very generic basic kind of noise that's created and it's just this really rough noisy noise. So you can just change the size of it. And then you could also change the strength of it. And obviously if we go too strong, strange things are going…
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