From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Polygrouping with ZModeler

Polygrouping with ZModeler - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

Polygrouping with ZModeler

- We looked at polygrouping in the previous chapter but there's even more that can be done with the Z-modular brush. It's great for making very specific Polygroups as we are about to see. So in my exercise file, I'm going to Alt + click on the shoes to make sure they are the active sub tool. And let's also go to solo mode so that we don't see anything else to distract us. Let's turn on PolyFrame as well. Let's go ahead and zoom in here. So there's a special kind of Polygroup that's just for the Z-modular brush. Let me show you what I mean. Let's hover over a polygon, hold the Spacebar and we could really pick any one of these. Let's go to delete for example. And a single Poly is fine. So with this brush you could just click on a polygon and delete it. That's fine. Let's undo that. Now let's actually create a special Polygroup by holding down Alt and then clicking on various Polys or you can just click and drag…
