From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Mask, polygroup, and selection tips - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Mask, polygroup, and selection tips
- [Instructor] So, we have seen how to select parts of a model, and we just saw how to create polygroups. Now let's combine these two skills into selecting by polygroup. So we've got Hank model open, let's go into Polyframe mode so we can see those polygroups, and let's turn on Solo mode as well, so we don't see any of the clothing. So we know how to select, holding down Ctrl, Shift, and click and drag over part of the model, now let's get a little bit more fancy. I'll just undo that. Now if you want to select an individual polygroup, just hold down Ctrl + Shift and click on that polygroup. Now if there's only one polygroup visible on the screen, if you Control + Shift click on that, it'll invert the visibility. We're in an interesting mode right now. If we Control + Shift click on any more polygroups, what it'll do is ZBrush knows that there's currently part of the model invisible, so now it's in a mode where Control +…
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Selecting parts of an object2m 24s
Making masks6m 17s
Creating polygroups3m 58s
Mask, polygroup, and selection tips1m 43s
Generating masks by topology3m 5s
Splitting by mask, hidden, or polygroups4m 5s
Masking where two objects overlap4m 3s
Masking by color3m 37s