From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Limitations of subdivision models - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Limitations of subdivision models
- [Narrator] Subdivision models are great because they're a very efficient way to create finely detailed sculpts. However, they can't do everything. Let's take a look at the limits of what they can and can't do. Now the basic structure of subdivision models means that it can be hard to remove or add geometry to them. If you're splitting or merging sub tools with subdivision levels, you have to be careful or it will destroy the subdivisions and lock in the current subdivision level. So let me demonstrate. So we have this shark model here. And if I turn on solo mode, you can see that in this one sub tool, we have the main body, we've also got these eyes that are separate objects. And then in these other sub tools, we have all these teeth that are on their own sub tools. So first, let's try to split the eye into its own sub tool. If we go under geometry, you can see that this model has four subdivision…
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