From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Limitations of DynaMesh - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Limitations of DynaMesh
- [Instructor] As of yet, there is not any one single way of sculpting digitally that's perfect for every situation. And DynaMesh is no different. Let's understand better what its limitations are so that we can use it better for what it's good for. So one of the things that DynaMesh does is it makes meshes watertight, it closes any holes. So let's take a look at the underside. Right now in this exercise file, I have an open area, it's a hole. So if I am going to go DynaMesh it, let's go to Geometry. Okay, we've got DynaMesh, we got resolution set so, I'll just reinitialize this with a control, click and drag in an open area. So you'll notice that it just automatically closes this hole for me. And that's fine in a lot of situations. However, let's take a look at another situation with another piece of geometry here. I created this simple mask. And if we go into solo mode, you can see that it has no backside so it's…
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