From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
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Bridging holes and edges - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
Bridging holes and edges
- [Narrator] Similar to the technique for closing holes that we already looked at, there's another similar situation where you either want to create a tunnel between two holes or just create a bridge between two edges. Z modular brush is great for this as well, So let's take a look. So if we're looking at our T rex model here, you can see that the nostrils, for example, are just cut open, there's not actually any geometry connecting these two, So let's create a bridge that connects these two holes, so I'm going to zoom in here, let's get our polyframe turned on so we can see that wireframe more easily, and I'm going to hover over an edge and let's hold down the space bar go into bridge mode, and let's bridge two holes. So I'll click on the first edge on one side, and then I might want to rotate my view around so I can see this more easily on the other side. And then click on the other side. So what this did is it created…
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