From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training
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What does a modifier do?
From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training
What does a modifier do?
- [Instructor] We've seen a few modifiers so far in the course, but we haven't really worked with them in detail. In this chapter we'll get to know modifiers a bit better. Let's begin with a quick recap of what modifiers do and some of the common interface elements. Modifiers allow us to take incoming data and modify it to produce a different result. So, let's look at some of the common properties of the modifier objects. So, first up we've got a gravity modifier, and we've got some tabs that are common Cinema 4D, the basics tab, the coordinates tab, and the ones we'd be focusing on and where we're getting our work done is the object tab. This is where we have our object properties and we can set and adjust various properties of the modifier here. We can enable and disable the object, we can also change the mode. By default it's on independent. If it's action controls, you'll notice the icon change and it won't do anything until an action triggers it to work, and so we can just change…
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What does a modifier do?6m 4s
Using modifiers with falloffs2m
How do I get my particles to move around? (Turbulence)3m 20s
Control particle attraction, repulsion, and targeting5m 19s
Change particle speed, scale, and life4m 49s
Using Weight to mix modifier strength2m 21s