From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training
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Using the emitter falloff controls
From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training
Using the emitter falloff controls
- [Instructor] Something that I think is a really cool feature in X-Particles 4 is the emitter falloff shapes. So, these become available when working in the object emitter shape. I'm going to setup a simple example to illustrate how you could use them. So, here we have a disc and what we want to do is create the impression of particles coming from the middle and being emitted over the disc. So, let's begin by setting up the emitter. So, we've got the emitter here and we just come over to the Object tab and we're going to change the emitter shape to Object then we'll drag in the disc. I'm going to change the Emit From to be Points and going to stick the particle to the Source Object and choose One Particle Per Source Element then I'm going to come over to Emission and change the Mode to Shot and just one particle. If we press G on the keyboard to go forward one frame, sure enough we have particles being emitted from the points on this disc. Let's hide the disc and now we can see what…
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Object tab8m 46s
Emission and Extended Data tabs10m 46s
Groups and Display tabs7m 58s
Questions tab4m 2s
Modifiers tab3m 36s
Editing and Advanced tabs5m 54s
Emitting particles from objects and textures8m 12s
Using the emitter falloff controls4m 34s