From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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Questions tab

Questions tab

The use of Questions to trigger actions is a really powerful concept to grasp when working with X-Particles, and it widens the scope for creating more complex particle simulations. Now we know each particle carries a whole heap of data. So by using Questions we can test that data for a response. Let's just take a look. Now if you're not already there, select your Emitter and go into the Questions tab and we'll add a Question. Now we have this Question Object that we're focused on. We can choose a Question type and we're going to focus on Particle Data, but there is all of these other things and within the Particle Data we're going to look at Age. But again, there's plenty of things that we can look at. But Age is fairly simple to understand. Well let's just play through and see what we've got. So we've got some pink squares coming at us and don't worry about the rest of the setup, we're not fussed about that. We're looking at whether the Particle Age is Greater Than this amount. So…
