From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training
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How do I make fluids effects?
From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training
How do I make fluids effects?
- [Instructor] There's a new project in X-Particles 4 which replaces the smooth particle hydrodynamics object, otherwise known as the fluid SPH. And that is the fluid PBD object. Which uses a better algorithm called Position Based Dynamics. So what we're going to do is come into the Dynamics and we'll add in the PBD fluids. So, what are we looking for when we use this object? Well first, let's just turn it off. And we'll play through our scene. And just see what we've got. So, particles being emitted onto this start spline, star is animated and if we render we can see. We're kind of just getting this sort of blob. So, what we want to do is just do something a bit more interesting and we're going to use the fluid PBD for that. So I'll rewind and just turn this on. So looking at these settings, what do we need to change? Well, if your particles are breaking up into tiny clumps you can increase the external pressure to reduce this effect. So let's just come up and give it something like…
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