From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training
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Freezing particles
From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training
Freezing particles
- [Instructor] The freeze tag is a relatively simple one to understand and you can certainly have some fun with it. So let's take a look at this example. We've got some particles and they are being emitted, flying toward the camera. The camera's rotating around and we're seeing the effect of turbulence on the particles and we've got some trails being generated and they've just being swept to give them some geometry. And because the freeze tag acts on time, I thought it'd be cool to do some sort of maybe bullet time effect so we'll just see what we can do with that. I'll click on the emitter and right click and then we'll add the freeze tag and let's just show our attributes here. This is really simple. We can freeze the particles at frame 30, whatever frame we choose and then we can unfreeze them at the other frame we'd like to unfreeze at. And it's important to note that this tag freezes all particle data so the particles in the scene won't age, for example. So let's just figure out…
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