From the course: X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training

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Circle Packer

Circle Packer

- [Instructor] The circle packer is a really cool edition to X particles four and if you'd ever use the pusher bar effect to move your graph, the principles of the circle packer should be familiar. Essentially we're emitting particles and filling a volume without overlaps. Let's just see how it works. So we have an emitter and it's using this X object that we have here, emitting from a polygon selection and we're just emitting in the polygon area. If we press G on the keyboard, go forward one frame, you can see that we have a load of particles being emitted inside this volume and just completely overlapping and intersecting. If we come over to the emission tab, we could turn on the no intersection checkbox and have a look at the radius here, we change it to five just to match up with our radius in variation here, and press Shift+F to go back frame and then G to go forwards. Now we see that we're getting less particles, less intersections, but it's still not quite right. Let's hide the…
