From the course: Writing Email

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Respect confidentiality

Respect confidentiality

From the course: Writing Email

Respect confidentiality

- [Instructor] It's easy to feel like an email is between just you and your recipient, but it most certainly is not. Your employer almost always has access to your email messages, even if you think you've deleted them. Your email server could be hacked by malicious parties. Your messages could be subpoenaed for a court case. Your messages may be intentionally forwarded without your permission, or they may just be accidentally distributed further than you meant them to go. If you're tempted to write something snippy about your coworkers, imagine them seeing it. If you're discussing whether something your company wants to do is legal or not, imagine that email being exhibit A in a court case. And there's a reason lawyers call email, evidence mail. But even if you think you aren't doing anything wrong, not all information is meant for everyone's eyes. Whether it's a client's personal information, proprietary business data, or…
