From the course: Working with Upset Customers
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Preserving the relationship
From the course: Working with Upset Customers
Preserving the relationship
Have you ever been angry at someone in the heat of the moment but always forgiven the next time you saw each other? Sometimes people just need a chance to cool down after an unpleasant encounter. This video explores the customer service version of that situation. After serving an upset customer, it's important to decide if the relationship is worth preserving and if it is, what steps you will take to preserve it. First, let's acknowledge that some relationships are not worth keeping. A customer who is abusive, dishonest, or who just can't be pleased might not be worth the effort. One customer demanded a free replacement when he broke an expensive product he had purchased. The company was willing to repair the product under its warranty, even though the damage was the customer's fault. But this wasn't good enough. He wanted a new replacement and repeatedly contacted customer service to demand it. He eventually became abusive and threatening. Unfortunately, this was not a relationship…
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