From the course: Working with Upset Customers

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Helping the customer be right

Helping the customer be right

You've probably heard the saying, the customer is always right. That's saying has always bothered me a bit. The truth is the customer is not always right. I decided to find out where the saying came from and my research led me to an interesting discovery. The intent of the original quote was that your job is to help customers even when they are wrong. In this video, I'm going to share with you how your actions matter when you serve an angry or upset customer, even when a customer is rude, unreasonable, or just plain wrong. You can help them feel better by avoiding arguments and helping them be right. Here's an example where a coffee shop customer is rude and unreasonable. See if you can identify how the barista's actions make things worse. Excuse me. Can I help you? Yeah. You guys screwed up my order again. I was here two days ago, and you did the exact same thing. I asked for four pumps of vanilla, and you gave me, like, maybe two. Okay. Well, it's not my fault your drink got messed…
