From the course: Working with Upset Customers
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Creating personal connections with rapport
From the course: Working with Upset Customers
Creating personal connections with rapport
Which customer would you rather serve? Someone who is already angry or someone who likes you and trust you to solve their problem? Helping people is much easier and more fun when customers never get upset. This video focuses on how to prevent customer anger by building rapport with the people you serve. Rapport involves creating personal connections. Customers are more likely to forgive a service failure or overlook problems when they're dealing with someone they know, like, and trust. Imagine a coffee shop customer who is unhappy with her vanilla latte. She might normally get upset about something like this, but let's see what happens if the barista had established rapport with the customer from previous visits. Hey, Stephanie. Hey, Mike. My vanilla latte is a little light on vanilla today. Do you think you could add some more? Sure. Sorry about that. I know how much you love vanilla. That's okay. At least there's no peppermint in here. Hey, that's my favorite. Yeah, I know. And I…
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