From the course: Working with Upset Customers
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Avoiding arguments
From the course: Working with Upset Customers
Avoiding arguments
It can be tempting to argue with an upset customer. They might be mean or unreasonable. Some customers are wrong and some of those customers insist they are right. Yet arguing with an upset customer makes the situation worse, not better. In this video, I'm going to share three specific techniques that can help you avoid an argument when a customer is upset. The first is the acknowledge and refocus technique. There are two steps. Step one is to acknowledge the customer's feelings. This helps them to start feeling better. Step two is to refocus the conversation on solving the problem. This steers you away from blame or confrontation and allows you to work with the customer to find a resolution. Let's watch a coffee shop barista Use the technique with an angry customer. You guys screwed up my order again. I was here two days ago, and you did the exact same thing. I asked for four pumps of vanilla, and you gave me, like, maybe two. I'm sorry we didn't get it right. I'd be happy to remake…
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