From the course: Working on a Cross-Functional Team
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Work with outside managers
From the course: Working on a Cross-Functional Team
Work with outside managers
- For most organizations, cross-functional teams are a significant change. Large organizations rely on a lot of command and control. A typical organization creates management structures in each of the functional silos. Then there are executives at the top of the organization to oversee these silos. Cross-functional teams cut through these silos. They create horizontal teams that break through these vertical stacks. That means that these teams will cut across several different layers of management. New chalk lines will be drawn against the well-established painted lines that define your organization. As you can imagine, not all managers will appreciate being cut in or cut out of your newly formed teams. It blurs their areas of responsibility. They might be responsible for new things, or they might have some old responsibilities taken away. That's why middle managers can be the biggest obstacle to creating your…