From the course: Working on a Cross-Functional Team
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Keep the team small
From the course: Working on a Cross-Functional Team
Keep the team small
- Most organizations like to think big. Many people in these organizations look to solve big problems with big solutions. Unfortunately, the same thing holds true for teams. These larger organizations tend to prefer bigger teams. In fact, some see the size of the team as an indicator of the importance of the project. This can be a big mistake. I once worked for a large organization that was just starting out in data science. It was a new field for them, so they wanted to start strong. They started up a cross-functional team to come up with new data science strategies. Everyone saw this as one of the newest and hottest areas of the company, so the team ballooned in size. Each meeting, there were new introductions and new names added to the team roster. The team size became a show of strength and commitment to the project. The software development managers would add another software developer and then the database…