From the course: WordPress: Ecommerce
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Validate your product - WordPress Tutorial
From the course: WordPress: Ecommerce
Validate your product
- [Narrator] There's a big difference between people saying they're excited about your product and people actually spending their hard-earned money. Often, you will talk to 10 people who are excited about your product, only to have one of them follow through. If you're creating an online store, this can be a big problem. You're investing your time and money into this venture, and of course, you want to know if it will work out. A great way to get your toes wet before you develop an entire product line is to try selling just one product. If you can create enough orders, then you know you're on the right track and you can develop the rest of the line. Recently, crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have given creators a new avenue for testing the waters. James Olander, creater of The Roost, created multiple Kickstarter campaigns. In his first, he raised $180,000 for his initial production run, and in his second, he raised almost $800,000. It was only after his initial…