From the course: Essential Training
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Update My Profile - WordPress Tutorial
From the course: Essential Training
Update My Profile
- [Instructor] To access your user profile, look for this little person icon in the toolbar. Clicking that takes you to this page where you can manage your basic user details. Let's take a look at what all is here, and then I can show you how this information appears publicly. I'll start by filling out my first and last name. Now I have an option to enter a public display name. What's up with that? Well, you may want to use a screen name, a handle or something other than your given name, or maybe you want to display your full name or just your first name. It's totally up to you. Next up, we've got the About Me section. This is where can enter a short bio or share information about yourself. This shows up along with your public display name on the blog post you write. Next, let's talk about adding a profile picture. You can do that by clicking on this default avatar here and uploading a photo from your computer. I've…
Create your account3m 40s
Administrative area3m 5s
Update My Profile3m 54s
Adjust your account settings3m 39s
Manage purchases and payment methods1m 7s
Manage security settings6m 18s
Manage your privacy settings1m 20s
Manage your notification settings1m 51s