From the course: Essential Training
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Explore the customizer - WordPress Tutorial
From the course: Essential Training
Explore the customizer
- [Instructor] We've already dabbled in the customizer briefly when we talked about menus, but in this lesson, I'd like to formally introduce you to the customizer, which is the tool that WordPress gives you to customize certain aspects of your theme. To access the customizer from your site admin, go to Appearance and Customize. Now different themes have different customization options. So while some of what you see here in this panel will vary from theme to theme, the consistent thing is that regardless of which theme you're using, you can access the customizer via the link I just showed you. You'll also find some options in the customizer that you can access from different parts of your site. For our instance, earlier in the course, we went to the General Settings page and I showed you where you could modify your site title and your site tagline. Well, from the customizer, we can also edit that same information…
Introduction to Full Site Editing55s
Select a theme6m 14s
Set the blog page and front page3m 7s
Create custom menus5m 25s
Explore the customizer1m 38s
Site identity and settings1m 33s
Colors and backgrounds1m 9s
Content options2m 32s
Using blocks in widget areas2m 56s
Use a static front page1m 42s
Working with Global Styles1m 59s