From the course: Word Tips and Tricks

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Set Dark Mode (Windows)

Set Dark Mode (Windows)

- [Instructor] Microsoft Word has an option for a dark mode if you prefer to see the interface with darker colors. We'll set this up for Windows users here but if you're using a Mac, there is a separate video that shows how this works on a Mac. We should start by going to the backstage view. So we'll click the file button near the top left, and then we'll go to the account section. And from here, there's a menu where you can change your theme. Now, the white theme and the colorful theme are pretty similar. You just get a bright white and blue interface like we see here. Now, if you prefer, you could choose a darker theme. So you could choose the dark gray theme or you could choose the black theme. The black theme actually gives you an additional feature, which we'll see in just a moment. But first, there's one more option here in this menu. You could set this to use system settings. This is here because the…
