From the course: Word Tips and Tricks

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Compress pictures to decrease file size

Compress pictures to decrease file size - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Tips and Tricks

Compress pictures to decrease file size

- [Narrator] Text based documents, like Microsoft Word files, are generally pretty small. They don't take up a lot of space on your storage drive. But if you have a lot of pictures in a document, the size can get bigger. Fortunately, there's a way to compress large images so they take up less space. I want to look at one of the documents I have on my desktop here. And before I open it, I'm just going to right click on it, then go to properties so we can see how big it is. It's a little over eight megabytes in size. Now, that's not huge but it is a lot bigger than most Microsoft Word documents. I'll click okay to close this. So let's double click on this document to open it and we'll see the reason it's big is because there are a lot of pictures in this document. And if you have a document with even more pictures the file size will just keep getting bigger. So let's see what we can do to shrink this file down. We'll start…
