From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)
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Templates: The basics
From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)
Templates: The basics
- [Instructor] Let's begin with an understanding of what templates are and how they function. A template is another word for a pattern. This isn't jargon or a specific definition with computers, it's a broadly-used term. For example, if a woodworker wants to make copies of a particular wood cut, they may begin by creating a template to ensure that all of the wood cuts are consistent, they're all the same. If a painter wants to paint the same image in multiple places on a wall or in a piece of art, they begin with a stencil or a template. We do exactly the same thing in Office. A template is a document that creates a new instance, a new copy of itself, each time you open it. And if you use Microsoft Word you're already using templates. Every time you create a new Office document, whether it's an Excel spreadsheet, an email message in Outlook or a presentation in PowerPoint, you are in fact, beginning with a template.…
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