From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

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Strategies for sharing templates

Strategies for sharing templates

- [Instructor] If the templates that you create save you time and make you more efficient, then if you have colleagues who have similar template needs, you can really leverage your templates for more impact by sharing them. As soon as you let your colleagues know you're creating templates, they'll be curious. And before you share your templates, I want to take this moment to help you think strategically about template sharing. Because we end up supporting the templates that we roll out to other users. There are really five major ways to share templates in Microsoft Office. The first is to share a template by email. You can simply go to the custom templates folder, right click a template and send it to a colleague. When they receive it, they'll need to open it and then, in turn, save it as a template in their templates folder, so there's a little bit of training that has to be done here. The upside of this is it's easy…
