From the course: Wireshark: Malware and Forensics

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Using Tshark in the command line

Using Tshark in the command line - Wireshark Tutorial

From the course: Wireshark: Malware and Forensics

Using Tshark in the command line

- [Instructor] Most network administrators are familiar with Wireshark. It has a rich graphical interface with many built-in tools. However, you really should try TShark, it's a lightweight command line tool. You'll want to go into the command line interface and run as administrator. I've enlarged the font so you can see it a little bit better, but as you can see here, up at the top administrator command prompt, and that's so you can write the files without any problems. Now I need to get to Wireshark. First, I want to go to the directory, so I'll need to change directory to program files, because there's more than eight characters I'll have to use quotes. Now, we'll change the directory now to Wireshark, and that's the directory where TShark resides. Now I'll need to build my command. It's important to know what interface you'll need. If you have multiple interfaces, find out which one is active using IP config. All right, let's build my command. We'll start with TShark and then I'll…
