From the course: Wireshark: Malware and Forensics

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Tap into your network

Tap into your network

- [Narrator] Tapping into the data stream, and what you will see, will depend on the network architecture. As we see in this complex graphic, we can tap in in many areas of the network. Wireless 802.11 acts like a hub, which will allow you to see all of the traffic. If tapping into a wired network, you will most likely tap into a switch, and you will see only your own traffic. In order to see traffic destined to a specific device, network administrators use port mirroring, or SPAN, which is switched port analysis. For example, you can mirror the traffic going to a server back to your laptop for analysis. You can also use a full-duplex tap in line with traffic. You will most likely need a special adapter. There are various options to select before beginning a capture, including selecting the interface, output choices, and capture options. When you're ready to tap in and capture for the first time, you're going to go up…
