From the course: Windows 11: Implementation
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Install Windows 11 on a virtual machine - Windows Tutorial
From the course: Windows 11: Implementation
Install Windows 11 on a virtual machine
- [Instructor] You can install Windows 11 in a virtual machine using the built in Hyper-V features available in compatible versions of Windows. Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise are compatible as our versions of Windows 11 Pro and above. Your computer must also be compatible. To see if your computer supports virtualization, type msinfor32 in the search box on the task bar and click system information in the results. In system summary, scroll down to the bottom and have a look at the virtualization entries. You can see I have virtualization based security already running. And notice it says here that device encryption support requires elevation to view. Here it says a hypervisor has been detected. If you need to run this with administrator privileges, do so. But if you see yes by all of these items, you're ready to go. If you see an entry for virtualization enabled in firmware and you see a no after it, it means your…