From the course: Windows 10 Essential Training

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Delete files and folders

Delete files and folders

- At some point, you will probably want to delete some files or folders that you don't want anymore. For example, if I go to my Documents folder, I have some stuff that I can get rid of, like this photos folder, I'm completely finished with it. So one way to delete it would be to drag it to the Recycle Bin, just point your mouse cursor at it, hold the mouse button down, drag it to the Recycle Bin on the desktop and let go. And now that folder is gone. Let's look at some other options. Let me go into my client projects folder. And let's say this project has been canceled, I know that I don't need this folder so I'm ready to delete it. I could right click on it and choose Delete. Or I could select it, go to the Home ribbon and click the Delete button here. And once again, that folder is gone. Alright, so both folders are completely gone, right? Well, no, not completely. In the real world. If you put something in the trashcan…
