From the course: What Is Web3?
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What is a smart contract? - Blockchain Tutorial
From the course: What Is Web3?
What is a smart contract?
- [Narrator] Smart contracts have become a central feature in the vision of Web 3. Whereas a crypto coin or token is a passive asset, a smart contract added to the token makes it an active agent on the blockchain. A smart contract is a self-executing function embedded in a token that performs actions on the blockchain based on other transactions and events taking place on the blockchain. Here's a basic example. Our food truck festival sells NFTs giving holders access to VIP cooking classes. But since an attendee is likely to want to attend a cooking class only once, there's a high chance that attendee will sell the NFT or trade it with someone else after using it. To ensure this doesn't become a situation where one NFT is used by a long list of people without the festival earning any profits, the NFT contains a smart contract that sends 15% of the purchase price of the NFT back to the festival anytime the NFT is traded.…
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What is a blockchain?2m 39s
What is a block?2m 43s
What is a decentralized blockchain?2m 22s
What is a consensus mechanism?3m 5s
What is (crypto) mining and forging?2m 17s
What is proof of work (POW)?3m 44s
What is proof of stake (POS)?1m 58s
What is a cryptocurrency?3m 18s
What are tokens and coins?3m 14s
What is an NFT?5m 9s
What is a crypto wallet?4m 51s
What is a smart contract?2m 27s
What is a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization)?4m 8s