From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits
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Using natural locations
From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits
Using natural locations
>> That's nice. >> That sounds really great. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. Your parents must be so happy that you're doing it there. >> Well after having made that initial connection, after having built some rapport, one of the things that I like to do is just start capturing images right away. You know, you can begin where you are, and that's what I did with this particular shoot. The bride had gotten ready And we were in the room where she had gotten ready, and I just started capturing some different frames. There was a fascinating old fireplace and some interesting candelabras and whatnot. And again, I was just trying to capture some images right where we were. You know, as a photographer, sometimes you'll have these shots that you know that you want to capture. Perhaps they're off in some other area, and you know that you're going to need to walk to that area. But rather than walk in there and then taking the pictures, sometimes it's helpful to just begin capturing those photographs…
Using natural locations1m 20s
Working with window light2m 32s
Working with open shade2m 3s
Sitting versus standing2m 24s
Working with poses, posture, and poise3m 35s
The importance of authentic eye contact2m 7s
Using the bouquet in the shoot2m 20s
Working with multidirectional natural light2m 3s