From the course: VMware vSphere 8 Certified Technical Associate - Data Center Virtualization (VCTA-DCV) (1V0-21.20) Cert Prep

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The four food groups of VMs

The four food groups of VMs

- [Rick] In this video, we'll learn about what I like to call the four food groups of virtual machines, and that includes CPU, memory, storage, and networking. And we're going to take some time to learn about how these different resources are provided to our virtual machines by the ESXi host. And we'll also think about some of the considerations that we need to think about when we're deciding how many virtual machines should exist on a single ESXi host. How much resources do they really require? And so our first focus is our first food group, CPU. The virtual machines are going to need processors. They're going to need CPU horsepower. And as I create my virtual machines, I can create them with different numbers of virtual CPUs. So for example, this first virtual machine that we see in our diagram here, maybe this virtual machine has a total of four virtual CPUs. So I'll just put a little four next to this one. What that basically means is that this virtual machine has access to four…
