From the course: VMware vSphere 8 Certified Technical Associate - Data Center Virtualization (VCTA-DCV) (1V0-21.20) Cert Prep

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Storage vMotion concepts

Storage vMotion concepts

- [Rick] In this video, we'll learn about some of the basic concepts of Storage vMotion and how it can be used to migrate VMs from one data store to another without any downtime. So Storage vMotion is used to migrate a running virtual machine from one data store to another. The virtual machine remains running at all times and there's no service interruption as we move the VMs between data stores. And one of the use cases for this is to manually load balance storage. So if I have a data store that's nearly full, or a data store that is experiencing high latency, I can take VMs and migrate them to other data stores. So let's take a look at what happens when a Storage vMotion is carried out. Here in our diagram, you can see we have a single virtual machine running, and that VM is running on ESXi host 1. And so this ESXi host has access to two different data stores. It has access to data store one and data store two. Those data stores could be local physical storage, they could be storage…
